From the Plymouth Democratic Town Committee to our friends and neighbors of every party:
As we approach Election Day, many in town have expressed concern over the plan for in-person voting at a single location, Terryville High School, and shared doubts about the validity of mail-in voting.
The Plymouth Democratic Town Committee asserts its confidence in and support for our Plymouth Registrars of Voters, Jeannette C. Brodeur and Debra A. Brown; our Town Clerk, Erica Cabiya; and all our neighbors who have offered their time and energy in this troubled hour to work at the polls.
We believe the decision to vote in a single location was based on sound reasoning. The high school has ample indoor space versus other town locations, allowing for safe distancing; the lighting and sidewalks in the parking lot have been improved since 2018, as has the plan for parking availability for voters during the day; and, perhaps most importantly, an overhauled check-in process for voters is smoother, faster, and more flexible.
No matter the outcome of this election, we have complete faith in these elected officials and their determination to honor every vote cast in our community, and to make the process as safe and secure as voting has always been here in Plymouth.
We urge you to drop off your absentee ballot as soon as possible in the secure ballot dropbox in front of Town Hall, or join with our neighbors in person at Terryville High School on Tuesday, Nov. 3, to share the great privilege we have in this country to cast your vote.
Signed, The Plymouth Democratic Town Committee