There is Still Time for YOU to be the Change Plymouth Needs!
This is an illustration of the most up to date voters in Plymouth…
Why live in the “Grey Area” when you can stand up and make change for YOUR TOWN as well? If you have ever wanted your voice, your opinion, your ideas to be heard, CONTACT US TODAY and step forward for us all!!!
Candidate Nominating Caucus is this Tuesday…
Just a reminder that this Tuesday July 25th, 2023 at Plymouth Town Hall”s Community Room 7 p.m. is the Democratic Caucus for Nominating those wishing to run as Candidates for this Fall’s Election Day. Show up and make a difference!
Looking for 2023 Candidates
Tickets are available from any PDTC Member, email [email protected], or by calling Pat (860) 589-5451, Julie, (860)919-3746, or Paul (860)582-6988
TOWN BUDGET VOTE this SATURDAY 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Don’t Forget that THIS SATURDAY (in the TERRYVILLE HIGH CAFE) is the vote on the Town Budget that many have worked very hard on to prepare. Please get informed and take the time to VOTE. DO NOT just got by what you see on a Facebook Page, it is YOUR Vote, and it counts!!! You can find the Budget info here at
TONIGHT’s DTC Meeting for February has been Postponed for Weather
We have decided to follow the lead of other groups and postpone tonight’s DTC Meeting for February. Please join us on Monday March 13th at the usual time of 7 p.m. in the Senior Lounge of Plymouth Town Hall at 80 Main St.
Thank You and be careful shoveling in the morning!
Jan 23rd Meeting Canceled Due to Weather
We will NOT be holding the January PDTC Meeting scheduled for tonight at 7 p.m. at Plymouth Town Hall. As the Town closed schools early and others postponed due to issues, we decided to follow suit and keep everyone safe at home. Please spread the word to any person you thought may have been attending. We will see you next month…Thank You!
Tonight’s Monday 11/28 meeting moved to Thursday 12/8
Tonight’s Monday November 28th Regularly Scheduled Monthly Meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, December 8th at 7 p.m. in the Senior Lounge of Town Hall. We will also be meeting for December and having a small holiday get together as well. If you would like more info or plan to attend, please contact us.
Thank You and hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holiday!